Oxidative Stress

Now we understand a lot more about the ageing of our bodies and what are the triggers that cause these changes.

Stress and
The eye

Now we understand a lot more about the ageing of our bodies and what are the triggers that cause these changes. 

Oxidative stress is a term commonly used and it is a term used to describe the changing functionality of our body over time. Our body functions by millions of chemical reactions occurring every minute at multiple levels. When we are young, the body functions at optimum and shows little sign of stress at a cellular level. As we age due to accumulative exposure to stressors our functionality deteriorates.

If we use the retina at the back of the eye as an example. How does the retina help us see? Light will fall on the retina, induce a chemical reaction, resulting in an electrical signal which is sent to the visual cortex, and the image is interpreted.

The chemical reaction to convert the photon of light to an electrical impulse utilizes the functionality of the materials of the cell and leaves waste by-products, plus a depleted cell.

For example, when you look at a bright light and are dazzled immediately afterward, the cell functionality has been exhausted from the initial bright light and a period of time is needed to replenish and restore the functionality of the cell. In an aging cell the functionality slows down, the recovery is slower and the accumulation of waste materials builds up within the cell rather than being whipped away and disposed of as it should. What are these stressors putting us under such pressure and why does it affect us later in life rather than earlier? There are many causative agents, with the emphasis again on the eye, e.g. excessive light exposer, blue light from our digital devices, toxins in our environment, and crucially our diet.

Free radicals are the by-product of reducing cell functionality and the chemical reactions already described, these are highly reactive agents that cause destruction of the cell structure and its functionality. The more these free radicals are present the more destruction they cause and further reduce the cell’s performance.


Reduce exposure to these stressors, protect the eye from excessive sunlight, protect our eyes from high energy blue light emitted from all our digital devices, reduce our environmental toxins like pollutants of all types e.g. smoking and finally a healthy diet. A diet rich in antioxidants which we know mop up free radicals and lessen the destruction they cause. A healthy diet encompasses a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans.

You will be aware people are eating less meat as we realize that protein can also be provided in a plant-based diet.

In recognition of people that already have advanced signs of oxidative stress that have built up over decades, what can we do? We recommend eye supplements to ensure the eye is receiving a daily allowance of what the cells need to function, as optimally as the cell current state allows.

Nutrof Total is recommended for patients showing early and advanced stages of oxidative stress. People will be familiar with the condition, Age-Related Macular Degeneration. This is where the patient will struggle to read small details near them as the function of the central retina (the macula) is no longer working as it should. Degeneration and age are used in the title of this disease as it explains the condition is progressive, damaging, and reduces the functionality over time.

Oxidative stress affects every part of the body and responsible for many of our chronic disease, e.g. arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.

Don Stack
Optical Rooms

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