1  Eliminate bacteria and keep your eyelids clean whilst also respecting the skin around the eyes and its natural bacteria. Your skin around the eye is thinner than the rest of your face and is moving every few seconds when you blink or move your eyes. This can cause stress on the skin around the eye, leading to cracked skin which bacteria can breed in. This means that making sure your eye area is cleaned from bacteria, dust, pollen, and discharge is very important.

2  Help to remove makeupIt is strongly recommended to avoid the use of face wipes around the eye area to remove eye makeup. The presence of drying chemicals can cause red eye, dry eye and, in some cases, eyelid inflammation.

3  Eyelid wipes can help keep your contact lenses cleanerCleansing your eye area means there is less potential for dust, mascara, or eye makeup to get into your contact lens the next morning.

4  Eyelid wipes help to ease allergieseyelid cleansing removes dust and pollen from around the eye area, providing relief to eye allergy symptoms like itchy eyes.

5  Eyelid wipes can help relieve Computer Vision SyndromeInteresting fact about screen time & dry eyes – when staring at a screen, people blink less frequently meaning that tears coating the eye evaporate more rapidly, causing dry eyes. Eyelid cleansing can help to revive dry and tired eyes that can be caused by over exposure to computer screens.

6  Eyelid Wipes help Protect Against Dry Eye SyndromeFun facts, 7 out of 10 people experience dry eye issues and approx. 80% of those who experience dry eye issues will benefit from eyelid cleansing! If daily eyelid cleansing does not help to revive tried or dry eyes, dry eye drops, or lubricant is recommended.

7  Daily eyelid cleansing can help prevent Blepharitis, also known as eyelid inflammationKeeping the eyelids and lashes clean is also vital in protecting the millions of glands that line our eyelids and help secrete our tears. When these glands become dirty or clogged, they are unable to release important oils into the tear, and the front surface of the eye is left unprotected.



Blephaclean® are gentle cleansing wipes suitable for daily use to help treat eyelid inflammation, a common symptom of DRY EYE and BLEPHARITIS.

• Clinically proven 1
• Medical device 2
• Blephaclean® is suitable for children 3 months and older
• Blephaclean® wipes are so gen­tle, they can be used from age 3 months
• No need for any rinsing
• Blephaclean® wipes are suit­able for con­tact lens wearers
• Blephaclean® is suitable for all Dry Eye suf­fer­ers, includ­ing con­tact lens wearers
• Blephaclean® is rec­om­mend­ed by oph­thal­mol­o­gists for pre-and post-eye pro­ce­dures – seek advice from your eye care specialist

Blephaclean® wipes are great for gentle cleansing of the eyelids and lashes, with no need for rinsing. Preservative, perfume and paraben-free, they can be used from the age of 3 months and are suitable for contact lens wearers.



• Con­ve­nience – Blephaclean wipes are ready-to-use, with no addi­tion­al pads required
• Trav­el­ling – easy to car­ry in your bag or pocket
• Cleans­ing treat­ment plan – Blephaclean wipes can be used for man­ag­ing inflam­ma­tion or infec­tion of the eye­lids such as Ble­phar­i­tis, Mei­bo­mi­an Gland dys­func­tion, Styes or Chalazia.
• Safe to use pre-or post-surgery – with a rec­om­men­da­tion from your oph­thal­mol­o­gist, Blephaclean can help man­age any poten­tial infection.

“My opti­cian sug­gest­ed I use Ble­pha­clean and it ACTU­AL­LY works.
It is con­ve­nient and easy to use.”

– Mr D Cann, Bish­ops Stortford
*1 Guillon et al. (2012) Eye & Contact Lens 38:306-312
*2 CE0459

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